Photo: open sources
The Ukrainian Institute reports this.
What is the problem?
It should be noted that Illia Repin, Arkhip Kuindzhi, Ivan Aivazovsky, Kazimir Malevich, Oleksandra Ekster, and Abram Manevich are just a few examples of artists whose undeniable ties to Ukraine have long been downplayed by the Russian Federation or denied altogether.
An example of this is an event that took place in 2021. Then, the Finnish Museum, in cooperation with the Tretyakov Gallery and the Museum of Russian Art, held a major exhibition of Repin's works. It said that the artist was born on the territory of modern Ukraine but was presented as a Russian.
After Russia invaded Ukraine, many other museums around the world also reassessed the provenance of artists believed to be Russian.
What is the solution?
Thus, the Institute of Ukraine initiated the creation of a decolonization manual for Ukrainian and foreign museums and cultural heritage institutions, focusing on Ukraine.
As the initiators said, developed in cooperation with international partners and experts in the field of culture, it will contain the following:
How does it work?
This is the first guide of its kind, developed specifically for museums and cultural heritage institutions in Ukraine, Great Britain, and worldwide.
The guide will become an accessible tool for specialists and everyone who tries to define and describe the cultural heritage of Eastern Europe correctly.
The institute believes it will also help reveal hidden prejudices and stereotypes that may have arisen due to decades of aggressive colonizer policies.
The guide will offer some practical steps and answers to questions:
The guide's development approach is based on the methodology used by the Association of Museums in creating the guide "Supporting Decolonization in Museums," published in 2021.
Photo: Facebook / Ukrainian Institute
Created through a series of workshops, focus groups, and independent testing, the developers said the guide will be:
"The project was initiated by the Ukrainian Institute and developed in cooperation with the Museums Association, ICOM UK – International Council of Museums UK, and ICOM Ukraine with the support of the British Council Ukraine," experts emphasized.
For reference:
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