Eco-solutions: Uzhhorod launches new garbage sorting site for improved waste management

On December 29, Uzhhorod opened a garbage sorting site where one can sort plastic and glass bottles, batteries, cardboard and paper, and aluminum cans.

Nataliia Yakubyk, director of AVE Uzhhorod limited liability company, told Suspilne about this.

What is the problem?

People generate waste throughout their lifetime. The issue is further intensified by the excessive production and consumption culture, resulting in a shortage of free space in landfills.

Ukraine is in 46th place out of 109 countries due to environmental pollution.

More than 12.4 billion tons of garbage accumulate in landfills, which pollutes the environment with poisonous substances and negatively affects our health.

Every year, every Ukrainian produces from 300 to 500 kg of waste, of which ONLY 15 kg is recycled.

To solve this problem and reduce the amount of waste, it is proposed to popularize the sorting and recycling of garbage.

What is the solution?

"Ecological Island" started working in Uzhgorod on December 29 at 9 Adam Mickiewicz Street.

Photo: Uzhhorod city authorities

According to Nataliia Yakubyk, director of "AVE Uzhhorod" LLC, this garbage sorting site is the first of its kind in Ukraine.

Photo: Uzhhorod city authorities


The site will accept the following sorted waste:

  • paper;
  • cardboard;
  • plastic;
  • glass;
  • aluminum cans;
  • scrap metal.

How does it work?

This is a spacious fenced area. A representative from "AVE Uzhhorod" will be present daily to collect sorted waste from individuals, and you can receive compensation for it.

Photo: Diana Shuh

If the employee is unavailable, you can dispose of the sorted trash yourself; there are suitable bins for that purpose.

The sorting island will aid in promptly disposing of bulky and fixed rubbish, decreasing the buildup of waste in commonly used container areas, and ultimately preventing the accumulation of large, and construction waste by accepting them on site.

Photo: Uzhhorod city authorities

Ordinary containers for household waste are available to the residents of the surrounding buildings.

Local resident Olha, who sorted glass and plastic bottles at home, says that her neighborhood will be much cleaner with such a site.

Photo: Uzhhorod city authorities

"It's good; it's perfect that such a site was opened. It's so neat that I didn't even think it could be like that. Here, for example, you throw all kinds of garbage, and here are bottles, cans, cardboard."

There are five special containers for sorting waste: plastic and glass bottles, batteries, cardboard and paper, and aluminum cans.

"A car comes and takes it to the base. We separate the bags from the cardboard. All this is pressed, folded, and then sent to factories for processing. Basically, this car comes and takes it around the city. And if it is glass, then there is a bigger machine because it is heavy garbage," said an employee of the limited liability company "AVE.

Photo: Uzhhorod city authorities

The "Ecological island" for sorting garbage was built with the money of the limited liability company "AVE Uzhhorod."

Natalia Yakubyk, director of AVE Uzhhorod LLC, says:

"This is not just a garbage site. It is a facility where a person can come and learn how to handle waste properly. There is an employee of the society on site who will advise on how to sort properly, what the principles of sorting are, and why it should be sorted. After all, apart from this, there is a requirement of Ukraine law: "On waste" – it is a legal aspect. There is also an ecological aspect. We want to prevent the formation of such a huge amount of waste brought to our landfill."

Photo: Uzhhorod city authorities

At the same time, the company emphasizes that the primary goal of such an "Ecological Island" is for people to understand that sorting is not a trend but a necessity.

For reference:

Earlier, Rubryka talked in detail about organizing garbage sorting in your city, revealing the secrets of the "No Waste Ukraine" station.

Rubryka also reported that in 2021 Liubotyn signed a commitment to reduce the amount of residual waste and became the second candidate city after Lviv on the way to becoming a zero waste certified city.

And in Kyiv, a new sorting capsule was launched on Lukianivka.

In addition, Rubryka reported that garbage sorting containers were installed near schools and kindergartens in Chernivtsi. 4 containers of different colors were placed near each institution.

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