Solutions from Ukraine: Kyiv constructs new 200-person bomb shelter for safe sleeping

A cozy shelter has been constructed in the Pechersk district of the capital, with enough room to accommodate 200 individuals. It boasts comfortable seating and sleeping areas for all.

The Deputy Minister of Strategic Industries of Ukraine, Tymur Tkachenko, reported this.

What is the problem?

In Ukraine, a nationwide examination was conducted to assess the state of bomb shelters. The findings were dismal. As a result, President Volodymyr Zelensky mandated stricter consequences for neglecting proper upkeep of shelters and denying access to them.

The reason for the inspections was the tragedy that occurred during the shelling of Kyiv on June 1, when three people, including a child, died after they could not get into the shelter because it was closed.

What is the solution?

In Kyiv, a comfortable shelter for 200 people was built in the Pechersk district. There are comfortable places to sit and sleep.

How does it work?

"Today I visited the new defense shelter of civil protection at 3 Luteranska Street in the basement of a residential building, which can be used by up to 200 people simultaneously," Tkachenko wrote.

He said that all repairs were done:

  • in accordance with the state building codes;
  • with updated communication systems;
  • and modern fire safety and ventilation systems are being installed.


There are comfortable seating and sleeping options, which are incredibly useful during nighttime air raids.

The project was implemented with the cooperation of the Pechersk District State Administration in the city of Kyiv and the technical support group of UNDP.


For reference:

It should be noted that in Uzyn, Kyiv region, the construction of anti-radiation shelters for two educational institutions has begun.

In addition, a futuristic shelter stop will be built in Kyiv using 3D printing technology.

Rubryka also reported that a unique sheltered classroom was set up in the Kyiv region. The bomb shelter performs two functions – security and education.

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