Photo 17:13 07 Aug 2023

Women's charity cycle ride kicks off in western Ukraine to support army

Yesterday, authorities of the western Ivano-Frankivsk region hosted the 11th charity bike parade for women. The event brought together 175 participants from all over Ukraine and neighboring states.

В Івано-Франківську відбувся благодійний велопарад

Most participants from Kyiv, Kharkiv, Zaporizhzhia, Zolotonosha, Kosovo, Kolomyia, and London joined the action. Cyclists dressed in blue and yellow colors and decorated their bicycles with Ukraine-themed ribbons and bright colors.

В Івано-Франківську відбувся благодійний велопарад

Previously, the purpose of such movements was to popularize cycling among women, develop the cycling structure and make it more comfortable for citizens. This time, charity was the main message of the campaign.

В Івано-Франківську відбувся благодійний велопарад

During the charity event, participants collected nearly $300. The funds will be transferred to support Ukrainian forces.

В Івано-Франківську відбувся благодійний велопарад



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