Photo 08:20 20 Jul 2023

Russian forces attack Ukraine's southern city of Mykolaiv: civilians killed and injured


On Thursday night, July 20, Russian invaders attacked the center of the southern city of Mykolaiv. A 3-story apartment building and garages caught fire. 

Rubryka reports, citing the statements of the head of the Mykolaiv regional military administration, Vitalii Kim, and Mykolaiv Mayor Oleksandr Sienkevych, that there are currently 18 victims, nine of them, including five children, were hospitalized. Two people were rescued from the rubble. There are casualties, and their number is currently unknown.

"The Russians struck the center of the city. A garage and a 3-story residential building are on fire. Firefighters have gone to the scene," said Kim's statement.

Mayor Oleksandr Sienkevich said that a huge explosion crater was formed near a three-story residential building at one of the addresses.

"The fire is severe. Rescuers of the State Emergency Service are already working on the site. There are many damaged houses around. In the morning, our utility workers will be working. Several garages are on fire at another address. Rescuers are putting out the fire," he added. "A total of 18 people were injured. Nine of them were hospitalized, including five children. Two people were rescued from the rubble. It is a miracle that they managed to save."

Sienkevych said that a woman and a man were rescued from the rubble. The mayor reported that two locations had been chosen for the resettlement of people. He also showed the first footage of the consequences of the Russian attack on Mykolaiv.

Photo: t.me/senkevichonline

Photo: t.me/senkevichonline

Vitalii Kim reported that the Russian attack also caused casualties in Mykolaiv. Five residential buildings were damaged, according to the governor.

"At least five residential high-rise buildings were damaged (windows, doors, balconies, ceiling). They are currently disconnected from the electricity supply. A rescue and search operation is underway. Representatives of the city council are working on the spot. We offer people to evacuate," said the mayor.

According to Sienkevych, about 15 garages were damaged at the second address. The exact numbers will be available in a few hours. There are also broken windows in several high-rise buildings.

Photo: t.me/senkevichonline

Photo: t.me/senkevichonline

Photo: t.me/senkevichonline

Night attack on Ukraine on July 20

Russian troops launched a combined night attack on Ukraine on July 20 using cruise missiles and kamikaze drones. Several series of explosions were reported in Ukraine's southern Odesa, Odesa region, as well as in the Mykolaiv region and the northern city of Sumy.

According to the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the Russian military launched Kh-22 cruise missiles from Tu-22m3 bombers from the south. At least two series of launches are reported.

On July 19, the Russian army massively attacked Ukraine with missiles and drones. Odesa and the region suffered the greatest destruction from the Russian attack. People were injured, and apartment buildings, ports, and critical infrastructure were also affected.

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