Photos 14:35 13 May 2023

Baku unveils Memory Wall to honor fallen defenders of Ukraine


On Saturday, May 13, the Memory Wall of Fallen Defenders of Ukraine was opened in the capital of Azerbaijan, Baku.

The Embassy of Ukraine in Azerbaijan reported this.

Photo: facebook.com/azerbaijan.mfa.gov.ua

Photo: facebook.com/azerbaijan.mfa.gov.ua

Families of fallen heroes, as well as representatives of the Embassy of Ukraine, the Ukrainian diaspora, other Ukrainian institutions, and communities of Ukrainians in Azerbaijan, took part in the ceremony.

Photo: facebook.com/azerbaijan.mfa.gov.ua

Photo: facebook.com/azerbaijan.mfa.gov.ua

In connection with this, the Embassy of Ukraine established a tradition of holding annual meetings with the families of fallen defenders of Ukraine on the eve of Mother's Day.

Photo: facebook.com/azerbaijan.mfa.gov.ua

Photo: facebook.com/azerbaijan.mfa.gov.ua

"From the very beginning of Russia's full-scale armed aggression against Ukraine, ethnic Azerbaijanis living on the territory of Ukraine, at the call of their hearts, resolutely stood up for the defense of our state. To date, we know the names of 26 Azerbaijani heroes who died liberating our land from the Russian invaders," – the embassy's representatives said.

Photo: facebook.com/azerbaijan.mfa.gov.ua

The Embassy, in collaboration with the Trade House of Ukraine, has initiated preparations for the production of a documentary series focusing on the stories of Azerbaijani heroes who gave their lives defending Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity as part of the #OurDefenders project.

For reference:

On the eve of May 8, a monument to the poet Selma Meerbaum-Eisinger (Romanian-born German-language poet), who was sent to a labor camp with her parents in 1941, was unveiled in Chernivtsi.

In addition, in the French city of Le Blanc-Main, a monument was erected to the daughter of the Prince of Kyivan Rus Yaroslav the Wise and the Queen of France – Anna of Kyiv.


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