Video 16:53 10 Apr 2023

100 Ukrainian soldiers return home in prisoner exchange


Ukraine could return 100 of its defenders as part of another exchange of prisoners. 

The head of the Office of the President, Andrii Yermak, reports that the defenders of Mariupol City which is currently occupied by Russian forces, Azovstal Steelworks, the plant that was the last stronghold of Russian siege of Mariupol and Hostomel, the first city in the Kyiv region that was attacked and occupied in February 2022 are among them.

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Photo: Office of the President

"They are soldiers, sailors, border guards, and national guardsmen… Some people have been seriously injured and have diseases. We will do everything necessary so that each of them receives all the necessary help," the statement reads. "President Volodymyr Zelensky's task is to return all our people. For him, this issue is key and one of the priorities."

The chief-of-staff added that days like these could be characterized by a quote from the Italian preacher Francis of Assisi: "Start doing what is necessary. Then do what is possible. Suddenly, you will find yourself doing the impossible."

"It was a difficult exchange, and I'm grateful to the entire team at the Prisoner of War Coordination Headquarters for each doing what may often seem impossible to many doing their jobs, vital work," Yermak said. "I am especially glad to announce the wonderful news about the exchange to the relatives of people released from captivity. They waited long for their husbands, wives, and parents at home."

The head of the President's Office concluded with a pledge: "We will bring everyone back. Because people are the main value of Ukraine."

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