19:11 19 Oct 2022

Zelensky's chief-of-staff calls for more air defense in meeting with 5 EU countries

The head of the President's Office, Andrii Yermak, called on France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, and Spain, which are among the leaders in providing Ukraine with weapons and military equipment, to step up support to strengthen Ukraine's air defense.

Yermak said this at a briefing for representatives of the diplomatic corps of these countries, the Office of the President reports.

Yermak noted that every day, air-raid sirens sound for hours in Ukraine. russia is carrying out insidious mass attacks on the critical infrastructure of Ukraine and the civilian population with the help of missiles and kamikaze drones.

"Of course, one of our priorities is to protect our cities and civil infrastructure and create an air shield for Ukraine. And I am happy that today it is no longer a matter for discussion but only a matter of time. And this should be done as soon as possible," the head of the President's Office emphasized.

He stressed again: the russian federation should be recognized as a state sponsor of terrorism with corresponding consequences for its actions during the war against Ukraine. Yermak expressed hope that the countries represented at the meeting will support adopting the PACE resolution, in which the russian federation will be called a terrorist regime, during the session of the European Parliament on October 21-24.

According to the chief of staff, Ukraine knows how to win the war.

"Today, with your help and support, for which we are very grateful, Ukraine has single-handedly destroyed almost 50% of the potential main threat for NATO. That is why I am convinced that Ukraine's membership in NATO will strengthen the Alliance," Yermak said.

He recalled that the International Working Group on Security Guarantees for Ukraine, co-chaired by the head of the Office of the President and former NATO Secretary General Anders Rasmussen, developed recommendations on security guarantees for Ukraine, which could become the basis of a document called the "Kyiv Security Compact." This document was sent to the leadership of Ukraine's partner states, and the Ukrainian side is waiting for their reaction and comments on the proposals.

"We continue consultations with our partners and believe that the steps to create a special air defense can be the first in implementing the program of security guarantees for our country," said the head of the Office of the President.

The Commander of the Air Forces of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, Lieutenant General Mykola Oleschuk, informed the Western European diplomats about the air attacks that Ukraine suffered in October and the countermeasures by the Ukrainian military using the available forces and means.

Oleschuk and the deputy head of the Office of the President, Roman Mashovets, told the participants of the briefing about the needs of the Ukrainian army for even better air and missile defense of the Ukrainian sky.

Diplomatic representatives noted the importance of the provided information.

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