17:42 20 Jun 2022

Hungary to support EU candidate status for Ukraine — Orban

Фото: hungarytoday.hu

Hungary will support granting EU candidate status to Ukraine at the forthcoming summit of EU leaders.

It was reported by RBC-Ukraine, citing Hirado.

Today the President of the European Council, Charles Michel held a video conference in preparation for the EU summit on June 24-25. The leaders of Belgium, Bulgaria, Estonia, Luxembourg, and Malta attended the meeting.

It is also reported that the Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán agreed with the proposal to grant Ukraine the status of a candidate for EU membership.

At the same time, he said, Georgia and Bosnia, and Herzegovina should receive status at the same pace.

As Rubryka earlier reported, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Hungary to Ukraine István Íjgyártó assured that his country would not block Ukraine's membership in the EU.

"russia is an aggressor country, a military aggressor. And we fully support the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine.

We fully condemn all human rights violations against Ukrainian citizens. We call on the international community, as well as the Ukrainian side, to investigate these violations.

We stand for peace and… support the European Union's steps to help Ukraine achieve peace," István Íjgyártó said.

Although, it is worth noting that Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán compared the oil embargo against russia to an "atomic bomb" for the Hungarian economy.


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