10:38 01 Apr 2022

Russian occupiers completely left Brovary district in Kyiv region, Brovary mayor reports

The Russian occupiers have completely left the Brovary district of the Kyiv region, and the Armed Forces of Ukraine continue to mop up settlements off the enemy, their equipment, and mines.

This was announced by the mayor of Brovary Ihor Sapozhko on the air of the national telethon, UP reports.

"As for the Brovary district. In fact, the Russian occupiers have left almost the entire Brovary district. This is both the Baryshiv direction, and the direction towards Pryluky, the Chernihiv region, and Chernihiv. Today, the armed forces will work to mop up settlements from the occupiers, from enemy equipment and, possibly, mines," Sapozhko said.

According to the mayor, currently, the checkpoints in the city are not dismantled; they are simply moved, and the citizens are still ready to defend Brovary.

Sapozhko also added that "a lot of people have returned to the city," small and medium-sized businesses are resuming work, businesses, shops, and pavilions are opening.

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