President signs off State Budget 2022

President Volodymyr Zelensky has signed into law the bill on the State Budget of Ukraine for 2022.
That's according to the Verkhovna Rada press service, Ukrinform reports.
In 2022, state budget revenues are projected at UAH 1,322 billion, expenditures at UAH 1,497 billion. The maximum amount of the state budget deficit is UAH 188 billion, in particular the maximum amount of deficit of state budget's general fund is UAH 160 billion, the maximum deficit of the state budget's special fund is UAH 28 billion.
The Law "On the State Budget of Ukraine for 2022" sets a living wage per person in the amount of UAH 2,393 per month from January 1, UAH 2,508 from July 1, and UAH 2,589 from December 1. The subsistence level for children under six years of age will be UAH 2,100 from January 1, UAH 2,201 from July 1, and UAH 2,272 from December 1; for children aged between 6 to 18: UAH 2,618 from January 1, UAH 2,744 from July 1, UAH 2,833 from December 1; for able-bodied persons: UAH 2,481 from January 1, UAH 2,600 from July 1, UAH 2,684 from December 1.
The law on the state budget for 2022 stipulates that upon validation by an external audit and approval by the NBU Council of annual financial statements and formation of reserves in a manner and amounts specified by the Law of Ukraine "On the National Bank of Ukraine," the central bank transfers a total sum of at least UAH 13.581 billion to the state budget of Ukraine in 2022.
As Ukrinform reported earlier, on November 2, the Verkhovna Rada passed at first reading Bill No.6000 "On the State Budget of Ukraine for 2022."