Creative transformation of the capital will be the main topic of Kyiv Investment Forum 2021
Finding ways for Kyiv to become more technologically advanced, environmentally friendly, and resistant to future risks will become the main focus of the Kyiv Investment Forum.
This has been announced by the Department of Economy and Investment of the Kyiv City State Administration, the organizer of the event.
"The creative transformation of a big city is a challenge of our time. The COVID-19 pandemic and quarantine aggravated certain urban problems. Poor accessibility to medical and educational facilities, inadequate public transportation infrastructure, as well as the lack of affordable housing and recreational spaces are among them. Operating in the conditions of COVID requires rethinking how life is organized in the capital", says the Department.
During the Forum, the main session, discussion panels, and public talks with the participation of Kyiv authorities and international experts will be held. The participants will focus on the urban challenges which aggravated during COVID-19, the ways to develop the Great Kyiv, and the international experience of overcoming the economic consequences of the pandemic.
The participants will pay special attention to the search for new opportunities for investment-attractive branches of the city economy.
As the organizers emphasize, the pandemic continues, and the world is still in a COVID reality with its restrictions, which affect all areas of life, including the lives of Kyiv citizens.
"At the Kyiv Investment Forum 2021, together with the global experts we will rethink the city development policy to find the ways to realize the capital's potential in the most effective way thanks to the creative transformation," says the Department.
This year, the event will take place on September 10, 2021.