10:21 11 May 2021

Regular coordination between Ukraine and the US is of great importance, State Department spokesperson says

Regular coordination between Ukraine and the United States is important, both given Russia's aggression against Ukraine and to support the reform agenda within Ukraine.

US State Department spokesperson Ned Price stated this, "Voice of America" reports.

Citing the example of such ongoing coordination between the countries, Price stressed that Antony Blinken's official visit to Ukraine was preceded by a telephone conversation between Joe Biden and Volodymyr Zelenskyi, a meeting of American and Ukrainian diplomats in Brussels and others.

The State Department spokesperson also stressed the importance of Ukraine receiving clear signals from the United States at the very beginning of the Biden administration.

"The United States supports our partner Ukraine. We support the people of Ukraine in the face of this aggression, this external aggression that comes from Russia, but also during internal efforts to undermine the sense of sovereignty, undermine the sense of autonomy that the people of Ukraine seek," Price said.

Price also pointed out that during his visit to Ukraine, Blinken stressed the importance of fighting corruption in Ukraine to realize its Euro-Atlantic aspirations.

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