The Ministry of Health project Coronavirus_info reports on Telegram.
It should be noted that from the beginning of the campaign, i.e. from February 24 to March 16, 71,923 people have been vaccinated against coronavirus in Ukraine.
To recap, several countries, including Denmark, Sweden, Cyprus, Slovenia, Portugal, Spain, Italy, Norway, Iceland, and the Netherlands, have stated that they've stopped using batches of AstraZeneca vaccine due to the alleged formation of blood clots.
However, the Minister of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine Oleksandr Tkachenko believes that rumors about refusing to use the AstraZeneca vaccine in Europe may be related to the mass information campaign against it by Russia to clear the pharmaceutical market for Sputnik V.
In turn, the authorities of Belgium and Estonia have stated that they will not stop vaccination against coronavirus with the AstraZeneca vaccine. They believe that stopping vaccination is irresponsible.
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