Draft law
Special Project
"It all starts at 14," or what to do with teen smoking
Without advertising and with restrictions: anti-tobacco draft law is again under consideration of people's deputies
16 oct, 09:26
Surrogacy bill must be amended, Ombudsperson believes
What's Happening
Dual citizenship in Ukraine: advantages, threats, and pitfalls
Special Project
They die early: how Ukrainian laws (do not) help prevent smoking
Special Project
Banning smoking in Ukraine? What does and doesn't a new anti-tobacco draft law have?
Verkhovna Rada to consider a draft law on land improvements: briefly on possible changes
21 jul, 10:39
Rada proposes to ban selling alcohol and cigarettes in stores and supermarkets
29 jun, 12:39
US, EU and NATO experts praise SBU law draft, but there's one remark
26 mar, 17:33