Summer part-time jobs for teenagers: what children and parents need to know
22 jul, 13:39
Ukraine and Hungary sign an intergovernmental agreement on mutual recognition of educational documents
20 jul, 13:56
Cabinet of Ministers plans to provide more than 60,000 teachers with laptops for UAH 980 million in subventions
18 jul, 20:58
Thousands of penguins crowding near Ukrainian polar station
Ask the children
One-third of Ukrainian schoolchildren didn't pass EIT in mathematics for an obvious reason: we explain why
25 jun, 21:37
An American university will be opened in Kyiv: where will it be?
Power to school kids! Students in Chernihiv region will receive a budget for their projects
9 jun, 17:00
ORDLO militants block checkpoints for children wanting to apply to Ukrainian educational institutions
Blackhole, PR stunt, or fight for the future? Why does Zelenskyi need a "super university" in Kyiv?
1 jun, 15:22
Shkarlet suggests that vaccination may become mandatory for teachers
31 may, 11:17
Ukrainian president signs decree establishing university of the future
Look at us!
Young Science: what inventions do Ukrainian schoolchildren create?
13 may, 13:11
Rada has 35 "Dr habs" and 73 "PhDs" among people's deputies, Chesno says
7 may, 13:28
World Bank will provide Ukraine with a $200 million loan to modernize universities
Studying abroad during a pandemic: what EU educational opportunities are available to Ukrainians
How to drive change in education from below?
Instant results and expensive MBA: 5 myths about Ukrainian business education
Digest of the most interesting news: just about the main thing
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