Today, November 1, the entire world celebrates International Vegan Day. We'd like to remind you that vegans are people who have given up animal products not only in their diet but also try to avoid them in all other realms of life (cosmetics, clothing, household chemicals, etc.). Earlier, the Vegan Challenge campaign had already selected 22 vegan women who talked about their path to veganism and how they live with it. Today, on the occasion of the holiday, we found 22 men. They're also vegans busting the myths that "veganism is just a diet, and it's not suitable for everyone," that "you can't get bulked up on a plant-based diet," that "men need meat", that it's "just a teenage hobby and an homage to trend."
The team of Vegan Challenge project mentors will advise you for free on how to become a vegan in 22 days. Register at the link
So, we give you 22 men of different professions, of different ages and with different hobbies, who don't eat anyone and also (sometimes) bulk up. Let's go!
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