And also about the most interesting music installations in the world!
Imagine your perfect date, where you take a walk with a person you're in love with, on the evening streets of your city. And here you see the piano! It stands in the open air, and right now, you can play your common motive. Not for nothing were the years spent in music school?
Or you walk up the steps to the Adriatic Sea on vacation, and suddenly hear a cosmic melody and no one near! And you understand that it's not played by a person, but by the sea and the wind. Sounds too fantastic? But no!
These are street musical instruments created by people, for people, for passers-by, for spaces and parks. Those that aren't destroyed by wind, snow, and anyone can play on them. Installers have already realized that ordinary monuments no longer make an impression as before, but if they're interactive, interest in them increases many times over.
However, each author has their motives, and we even talked to one of them, a famous Ukrainian singer and poet who places instruments on the streets of the city. Where are they and what's interesting the author told us? Read our article and watch the video!
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