Privacy and seclusion: how a living space is changing in big cities
The state's active housing policy became a thing of the past long ago. The amount of funds that it currently allocates for housing construction and financing of state housing programs is extremely insufficient, about 70% of old houses are in disrepair, and the cost of apartments in new buildings is not always affordable for young families and youth. All this suggests that there's a serious housing problem in Ukraine when most of the population is faced with a lack of living space and its high cost.
But the market is adapting to the consumer, and over the past few years, we have had alternative solutions. Some of them are super modern, which seems to be something fantastic, while others are a repetition of old experience, its transformation, and conversion. The major advantage of each of the solutions is the low cost and conditions close to complete comfort and maximum equipment of the premises with everything you need. What solutions are there?
Проєкт “Військо+1” став новою рекрутинговою платформою, завдяки якій десятки цивільних чоловіків та жінок змогли знайти… Читати більше
“Рубрика” розповідає, на що звернути увагу, коли ви обираєте світловідбивні елементи, а також чому взимку… Читати більше
Чи помічали ви, як зміна погоди здатна зіпсувати ваш настрій чи самопочуття? Раптовий головний біль,… Читати більше
Rubryka spoke with experts from Let's Do It Ukraine and Zero Waste Alliance Ukraine to… Читати більше
Швидка і проста випічка (і не тільки), яку можна приготувати для благодійного ярмарку. Читати більше
Choosing a career is a challenge for many teenagers in Ukraine, especially in times of… Читати більше
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