
Turning a landfill into a recreational area: landfill standards in Ukraine and the world

In today's world, people are actively fighting against unwanted waste. There's constant talk about unauthorized landfills, complaints about over-full landfills, and a tremendous amount of toxins. But landfills find their place to exist even in the most environmentally developed countries, such as Germany or Finland. What are they? Is it possible to go without them and what to do with the already over-full landfills?

There are several ways to dispose of waste:

  1. Recycling
  2. Composting
  3. Incineration
  4. Complete landfill
  5. Open landfill

Approximately 13.5% of waste in the world is recycled, and 5.5% is composted. 11% goes to incineration. Other waste lives in landfills of various complements, and 33% of the world's waste is stored without proper safety measures.

The disposal method in the designated areas became one of the first proposed options for waste elimination. We have used it for many years. It's actually very convenient: you take the bag to the bins, and then the responsibility falls on the garbage company. Its task is to organize a vehicle that takes the common container and brings everything to the landfill. Everyone's done their job and everyone's happy.

In Ukraine, there are 6,000 legal waste dumps and landfills with a total area of 9,000 hectares. 256 of these are overloaded landfills, and 1,347 landfills don't meet environmental safety standards. These are official figures only.

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