Photo: Varosh
Vasyl Honar, the co-founder and engineer of Lemki Robotix, commented on this with Varosh.
What is the solution?
The developers completed the project in just six months. Oksana Zadyranchuk handled the exterior design, while Marian Stehura was in charge of the interior design.
The motorhome went through three iterations before reaching its final version. Two prototypes were initially created and then refined until the third and final version was achieved.
How does it work?
Photo: Varosh
The main characteristics of the motorhome
Photo: Varosh
Photo: Varosh
"Our main focus is 3D printing technology. We have developed appropriate equipment and software for working with composite materials and patented our own materials in cooperation with Kyiv University," Honar said.
Photo: Varosh
The company utilizes various composite and multi-component materials and has even collaborated with Kyiv University to create its own patented materials.
In the future, Lemki Robotix aims to increase production by printing stationary and mobile homes using composite materials.
For reference:
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