United to win: Denmark donates high-altitude lift trucks to Ukrainian rescuers

The Danish Emergency Situations Agency delivered 18 emergency rescue hoists to Ukraine as part of its aid in civil protection.

Beredskabsstyrelsen reported that.

What is the problem?

"The people of Ukraine are suffering from the ongoing Russian attacks on civilian facilities, such as hospitals and residential buildings. It is therefore important that we help the Ukrainian authorities to save lives and alleviate the consequences of the war for the civilian population," the Minister of Civil Protection and Emergency Preparedness Torsten Schack Pedersen said.

What is the solution?

Therefore, the Danish Emergency Situations Agency, as part of its assistance in civil protection, handed Ukraine 18 emergency rescue hoists.

The official emphasized, "Denmark seeks to support Ukraine wherever we can, and this assistance is another step on this path. "

How does it work?

Recently, the last part of a large donation of equipment was delivered to the State Emergency Service of Ukraine. It consists of seven rescue hoists with a height of 45 meters, bringing the total number of delivered cars to 18.

Thanks to this support, the Ukraine State Emergency Service acquired rescue hoists worth 130 million Danish kroner.

The regional emergency management should receive these vehicles, as they will significantly enhance their ability to safeguard civilians and essential infrastructure.

According to the Danish Emergency Situations Agency, the lifts will be used for:

  • rescuing people from buildings after explosions,
  • extinguishing fires in high-rise buildings, etc.

"Rescue equipment will be of great importance to the efforts of the Ukrainian authorities. The Danish Emergency Situations Agency has been contributing since the beginning of the war, and we are proud that we can continue to do so," the director of the Danish Emergency Situations Agency, Laila Reenberg, stressed.

The support and fundraising efforts will continue throughout the year, as additional material donations worth approximately DKK 30 million are still needed.

For reference:

To fulfill the requirements of the State's Special Transport Service and Ukraine's armed forces' Support Forces Command, the member nations of the Demining Capabilities Coalition have reached an agreement to collectively buy items worth 22 million euros.

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