Photo 10:52 16 Jun 2024

Kyiv holds Equality March first time in two years

Фото: Денис Булавін / hromadske

On June 16, the Equality March took place in Kyiv for the first time after a two-year hiatus: more than half a thousand people marched through the streets of the capital with flags and posters.

This is reported by hromadske.

As the media outlet reported, the entire procession lasted about ten minutes.

Марш рівності

Photo: Denys Bulavin / hromadske

Activists, soldiers, officials, and ambassadors of partner countries, including Great Britain, France, Sweden, etc., joined the march.

Марш рівності

Photo: Denys Bulavin / hromadske

Later, representatives of right-wing organizations started their action. The participants of the march went down to the subway, and the police urged the rest to leave quickly. As the hromadske correspondent reports, many law enforcement officers were on duty at the site.

Київ Марш рівності

Photo: Denys Bulavin / hromadske

Київ Марш рівності

Photo: Denys Bulavin / hromadske

Denys Nikitin, the commander of the Russian Volunteer Corps fighting on Ukraine's side, joined the column of right-wing organizations.

"Hundreds of people gathered, veterans with amputations came. What does this mean? Ukrainians care; the military cares. People want to define state policy and influence it. They have every right to do so. Especially the military and those who defended this country," Nikitin said.

To the remark that there are also LGBT representatives in the military, he replied:

"There are thousands of them and hundreds of thousands of us. Why is the minority again dictating its will to the majority?"

Київ Марш рівності

What preceded?

We will remind you that at the end of May, KyivPride announced that the Equality March, which was last held in Kyiv in 2021, will take place on June 16. Due to martial law, the event was supposed to take place in the Kyiv metro, and no more than 500 people could join it.

At that time, the KyivPride team reported that it was negotiating with the military administration regarding the march's organization.

Organizers have assured that the Equality March will meet security requirements and will be coordinated with the authorities. However, the named location (Kyiv metro) was not approved by the city administration.

The Kyiv Military State Administration urged choosing another location for the safety of event participants and passengers, as the metro is a dual-purpose infrastructure. Later, KyivPride announced that they could hold a march even without the permission of the city authorities.

We will remind that in 2023, due to the war, the Ukrainian NGO KyivPride held the Equality March in Liverpool. Then thousands of people gathered in the British city.


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