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The Institute for the Study of War (ISW) reports this.
The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation announced on May 21 that the missile forces of the Southern Military District began the first stage of non-strategic (tactical) exercises with the use of nuclear weapons.
The Russian defense ministry announced preparations for these exercises on May 6. The Russian Aerospace Forces will also conduct exercises with Iskander and Kinzhal ballistic missiles.
Military analysts noted that a well-known Russian blogger, awarded by the Kremlin, directly linked Russian nuclear exercises to the Kremlin's attempts to influence decision-making in the West. In particular, with the recent discussions regarding the permission to use Western weapons to attack military targets in Russia.
This supports ISW's assessment that Russia's tactical nuclear weapons tests are part of the Kremlin's campaign of reflexive control.
Russia often uses nuclear weapons rattle to influence decision-makers in the West.
ISW also assesses that US and Western policies that limit Ukraine's ability to strike military targets in Russia seriously undermine Ukraine's ability to defend itself against current Russian offensive operations in the northern Kharkiv region or any area along the border where Russian forces can decide to conduct offensive operations in the future.
ISW Key Findings as of May 21:
For reference:
It was previously reported that on May 6, Putin threatened the West with Russia's "technical readiness" to start a nuclear war.
Andriy Yusov, a representative of Ukraine's intelligence, commenting on Russia's intentions to conduct training on the use of tactical nuclear weapons, stated that nuclear blackmail is a stable practice of the Putin regime.
It should be noted that in March of last year, Russian dictator Vladimir Putin announced that he agreed with the self-proclaimed president of Belarus, Alexander Lukashenko, to deploy tactical nuclear weapons on the territory of the Republic of Belarus. At the same time, the head of the Kremlin talked about the transfer of the Iskander missile complex, which can carry nuclear weapons, to the Belarusian military.
Already on May 25, Lukashenko announced the beginning of the transfer of Russian nuclear weapons to Belarus. Neither Western countries nor Belarusian monitoring channels confirmed such information.
A month later, CNN, citing unnamed representatives of American intelligence, reported that the United States had no doubts about moving the first batch of Russian nuclear weapons to Belarus.
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