Solutions to win: Ukrainian students donate medical evacuation helicopter to Ukrainian intelligence

Students from the Kyiv School of Economics (KSE) have raised funding for a ready-to-use medical evacuation helicopter for the Ukrainian defense intelligence.

They shared a photo of the helicopter as part of the Donate To Evacuate initiative by KSE Foundation and DefDev, Rubryka reports.

What's the problem?

According to Kyrylo Budanov, the head of the Defense Intelligence, evacuating soldiers often has to be done using improvised means. He emphasized that suitable equipment was not always available, and delays could cost a soldier's life.

So, helicopters could fundamentally change the practice of evacuating the wounded.

What's the solution?

As the KSE students describe, they raised funds through the Donate To Evacuate initiative of the KSE Foundation and DefDev to provide a ready-to-use medical evacuation helicopter for Ukrainian intelligence.

"In this war, we don't have spare minutes. Thanks to everyone who understood this immediately and promptly supported the fundraising. The helicopter has reduced the evacuation time for the wounded, thereby increasing their chances of returning home alive," said a representative of the defense intelligence.

How does it work?

KSE students collected funds for a couple of MI-2 AM-1 medical evacuation helicopters. These helicopters are the fastest battlefield transport for lifesaving purposes, arriving approximately 15 minutes after a request.

The helicopter blades have a camouflage pattern with the names of everyone who donated $100 or more.

Photo: KSE

You can visit the website to see the names of people and brands that contributed to the rescue of heroes.

The pattern with names was designed and applied by well-known Ukrainian calligraphers, the Lopukhina sisters and their team. Now, the names of everyone who supported the Donate To Evacuate initiative literally protect the wounded heroes.


The initiative received support not only from individuals but also from brands. Their names also became part of the camouflage pattern. Some of the contributors include: 

  • PUMB
  • Dragon Capital
  • Nova Poshta
  • OKKO
  • Asters
  • Biosphere Corporation
  • Genesis
  • OTP Bank
  • umgi
  • WOG
  • Farmak
  • EBS
  • Peron
  • Agro Region
  • OTP Leasing
  • Mister Pillow

In this way, they significantly expedited the fundraising efforts.

Photo: KSE

"Helping the military is the duty of every conscious Ukrainian business, and we are grateful to everyone for their support and belief in our initiative. We are also proud that those who believe in our future and support our education helped us realize this seemingly incredible idea," said KSE students.


KSE Foundation is part of the Kyiv School of Economics family. Besides educational programs, the KSE Foundation raises funds to support Ukrainian people and defenders. The foundation collaborates with government agencies, charitable organizations, and the international community. According to Forbes, the foundation ranked among the top five fundraisers who raised the most funds for Ukrainians and the army during the war.

DefDev (UKRAINIAN DEFENSE DEVELOPMENT CHARITY FUND) is a fund created by members of the KSE team, united for the targeted development of Ukraine's defense capabilities. The fund provides the army with equipment and aids in training and professional development for military personnel.

In other news, Czech and Slovakian citizens raised over €400,000 for a helicopter for Ukrainian military intelligence as part of the Dárek pro Putina initiative.

The charitable foundation "Come Back Alive" and "PrivatBank" jointly purchased fire-resistant uniforms and aviation helmets for Ukrainian pilots.

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