Solutions from Ukraine: Zhytomyr launches “Secret Santa” blood donor campaign

In Zhytomyr, the "Secret Santa" action was announced for Christmas to increase the number of blood donations in the region.

The regional blood center announced that on Facebook.

What is the problem?

Regular blood donations are vital. Without a sufficient supply, surgeries may be delayed, car accident victims may not survive, mothers may lose their lives during labor, and cancer patients may be unable to complete their treatment.

The full-scale war waged by Russia against Ukraine since February 24, 2022, has critically exacerbated the need for donations. By donating blood, donors give people- including our defenders- a chance for life.

What is the solution?

A "Secret Santa" action was announced in Zhytomyr for Christmas to increase the number of blood donors in the region.

How does it work?

"On Christmas Day, we are pleased to announce the New Year's promotion "Secret Santa," which will last in our center for two weeks. Blood works miracles, and we invite you to join the promotion to give this miracle to those who need it vitally," the message reads.

The blood center reported a tendency for a sharp decrease in the number of donors before and after the New Year holidays, although the need for donated blood does not decrease at all.

"Magic blood saves hundreds of lives every day! Become a Secret Santa for one of the patients or a wounded soldier and allow living and being healthy," the blood center emphasized.

They also specified that they would work even on January 1.

For reference:

DonorUA is the only professional blood donor recruiting and navigation system. It supports the work of 22 blood centers. It cooperates with the Ministry of Health, the Ukrainian Transplant Coordination Center, WHO, the International Committee of the Red Cross, and the Global Blood Fund. Today, the DonorUA database includes more than 135,000 donors. More than 7,000 patients received targeted help thanks to the platform, and it takes no more than 20 minutes to find a donor for a specific patient.

As Rubryka reported, the blood donation procedure will be simplified and streamlined thanks to the capabilities of the "YeKrov" blood donation information and communication system.

In April 2023, amendments were made to the Code of Administrative Offenses, strengthening responsibility in blood donation and components.

In particular, violation of the requirements regarding the technological process of procurement, testing, processing, and storage of donor blood and blood components entails the imposition of a fine on officials of blood system subjects or health care institutions that provide transfusion services of blood and blood components, from one to two thousand tax-free minimum incomes of citizens.

As reported, the government allowed combat medics to transfuse blood at the pre-hospital stage. This will significantly reduce the percentage of deaths on the battlefield related to blood loss.

It should be noted that in case of urgent need during emergencies and during martial law, donor blood and its components can be imported from abroad as humanitarian aid.

In addition, Ukraine's only bank for long-term storage of erythrocytes was created in the capital on the basis of the Kyiv City Blood Center.

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