Ukrainian author develops therapy book “Secret Stories of Small and Big Victories” for children from frontline areas

Tania Stus is the author of the first Ukrainian-language therapeutic book, "Secret Stories of Small and Big Victories."

Rubryka reports, citing the website of the Kateryna Belaruska Foundation, that the author held readings for children from the frontline regions of Ukraine at the Sokal sanatorium school in the Lviv region.

What is the problem?

Children in Ukraine continue to suffer from Russia's war against Ukraine. They have to leave their homes and friends. Due to long-term stress from daily shelling, forced relocation to a safer place, and adaptation, children need additional motivation and support.

What is the solution?

To help children distract themselves from today's events, the author of the book "Secret Stories of Small and Big Victories" together with the Kateryna Biloruska Foundation, held a reading for children from the frontline areas who are currently recovering at the Sokal sanatorium school in the western Lviv region.

This educational institution accepted children in difficult life circumstances from Donetsk, Mykolaiv, Poltava, Kherson, and other regions for rehabilitation, including children of internally displaced persons, orphans, and children from large families.

How does it work?

The first Ukrainian-language therapy book, "Secret Stories of Small and Big Victories," is a practical help tool for parents with children who have signs of stress or anxiety caused by the border experience of war.


The book was created specifically to help Ukrainian children survive today's terrible events. The ten stories carefully and delicately depict the themes of loss of home, moving, adaptation, emotional experiences, longing for family belongings, and waiting for victory.


The stories relate to the loss of a home, relocation, longing for relatives, aggression, attitudes towards disability, the death of defenders of Ukraine, waiting for victory, etc.

So, 30 children from the frontline areas, who experienced the horrors of war firsthand, had the opportunity not only to listen to the book from the author's mouth but also to ask her questions that have been bothering them for a long time. Instead, the author shared with the children a personal story that inspired her to create the book.


"This meeting showed how children are ready to talk about difficult topics. They need it. Books are a good entry point into conversations about difficult topics. I was a little afraid of this meeting, but I was impressed that the children were ready to understand and listen. I am convinced that such conversations should be conducted as often as possible and boldly at the initiative of adults. And I am immensely grateful to the foundation for conducting such conversations," said Tania Stus.

The book was created in collaboration with Svitlana Roiz, a child and family psychologist. She advised the author on psychological nuances and wrote a foreword for adults. The singer Alyosha became the voice, voicing the book. The initiator and donor of the project is the Kateryna Beloruska Foundation.

You can listen to the audiobook for free on the ABUK platform and in the Audio section of the MEGOGO mobile app.

During the summer in this sanatorium school, the Kateryna Biloruska Foundation conducts training for children from the frontline areas as part of the Sports Mentor program to help find motivation for a healthy life path and psychological recovery through sports.

Rubryka reported that the SpivDiia for Children project spaces has been operating in 22 Ukrainian cities for over a year. Children receive psychological support, find new hobbies and friends, learn, and develop here, not only with each other but even with parents.

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