This will be the second large batch of aid this year, according to NOS.
The first €83 million will be spent on reconstruction and health care in Ukraine.
The Netherlands also allocates €10 million for emergency aid after the Kakhovka dam destruction in the Kherson region.
Another €25 million will be spent on subsidies for companies, businesses, and NGOs to facilitate reconstruction and recovery, primarily in the areas of agriculture, water supply, and healthcare. Companies and civil society organizations can apply for grants starting in September.
The Dutch cabinet also announced it named Roderick van Schreven as the special envoy for business and reconstruction of Ukraine.
On June 12, a week after the Kakhovka dam destruction, the Netherlands sent additional aid and life-saving equipment to the region of Ukraine affected by flooding. A total of 40 boats, 75 water pumps, 20 lifebuoys, 370 lifejackets, and 120 wading suits have been made available by the Dutch water authorities.
Around €60 million, including a contribution to the UN's Ukraine Humanitarian Fund, €10 million for demining, and €2 million for combating sexual and gender-related violence. have been allocated to Ukraine.
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