The press service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan reported this after the meeting of President Zelensky and Prime Miniter Kishida at the G7 Hiroshima Summit.
"Prime Minister Kishida conveyed Japan's intention to newly provide around 100 Self-Defense Force vehicles, such as a truck and approximately 30,000 emergency rations to Ukraine, based on the request from the Ukrainian side, as well as Japan's decision to accept injured Ukrainian soldiers at the Self-Defense Forces Central Hospital for the first time," the statement says.
Also, Prime Minister Kishida announced that the Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC) has decided to insure approximately 93 billion yen worth of Samurai bonds that Poland will issue for assistance to people displaced from Ukraine. Japan will also actively provide such multifaceted assistance.
President Zelensky visited the Japanese city of Hiroshima on May 20 and 21 at the G7 summit.
Japan is one of the countries that does not provide military aid to Ukraine, limiting itself to humanitarian assistance. The main reason for this is legislation that limits the export of weapons to other countries.
Despite this, Japan allocated $400 million to Ukraine to restore critical infrastructure.
Japan became the first country to allocate funds worth $23 million to cover military risks when investing in Ukraine.
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