Dmytro Lubinets, the Commissioner for Human Rights of the Verkhovna Rada (the Parliament of Ukraine), said this on the air of the "Yedyny Novyny" telethon, Ukrinform reports.
"(This number is — ed.) 2,105 people, including today's exchange," he noted.
The authorized representative of the Verkhovna Rada confirmed that the Ukrainian authorities have approximate data on how many Ukrainian citizens are in captivity in the Russian Federation, but this number is not publicly named.
"This helps us – the fact that we do not publicly report the numbers: neither about those whom we hold on our territory – Russian prisoners of war, nor those whom the Russian Federation keeps in its captivity. This is done deliberately, including to return our people home more effectively," the ombudsman assured.
Lubinets called on people not to look for "treason" because the Ukrainian authorities do not announce the figures regarding Ukrainian citizens in captivity: "It is definitely not here."
"We know about everyone who is in captivity – both military and civilian," he said.
Lubinets also noted that the condition of the persons released from Russian captivity on Monday is extremely difficult.
"This is also about the physical condition. Among them, there are seriously wounded, there are those who have lost many kilograms of weight, and there are also those who are in a difficult psychological state. And all this is evidence that the Russian Federation continues to keep our prisoners of war in unadapted conditions, sometimes not providing the basic – enough food or water," the ombudsman said.
On Facebook, Lubinets reported that 20 female and 80 male defenders returned to their homeland as part of the exchange on April 10. The youngest of those freed is 19 years old.
For reference:
As Rubryka reported, on April 10, Ukraine carried out another exchange of prisoners of war, and 100 defenders returned home.
According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, out of 100 people who returned from Russian captivity on Monday, 24 are service members of the National Guard of Ukraine service members, and 22 are border guards.
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