Zelensky: long-range missiles can be supplied to Ukraine

Ukraine is doing its best to improve its arming. The President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, stated that, including in communication with allies, the taboo on the long-range missile supply is already being lifted.

Rubryka reports this with reference to the video address of the Ukrainian President on Friday, February 17.

Zelensky noted that in recent weeks a certain diplomatic marathon has been going on, during which negotiations are being held with representatives of various countries.

"A tank coalition has already been created; the taboo on the supply of long-range missiles is being lifted, there are certain accomplishments in strengthening our artillery, and the world has already heard how necessary the creation of an aviation coalition is for global security," Zelensky said.

He also said that he discussed this issue during a meeting with the Prime Minister of the Netherlands, Mark Rutte.

The President emphasized:

"I discussed this today with Rutte and during the week with all the leaders. I will continue these negotiations next week."

For reference:

As part of the new aid package from the US in the amount of 2.2 billion dollars, Ukraine will receive long-range GLSDB missiles. However, the Pentagon notes that deploying these missiles on the battlefield will take many months.

It should be noted that the USA modified the advanced HIMARS missile launchers, which they handed over to Ukraine, so they could not be used to attack russia with long-range missiles.

Read also – Zelensky and Dutch PM discuss military aid to Ukraine


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