Polish president visits Kyiv

President of Poland Andrzej Duda arrived in Kyiv today, August 23, at the invitation of President Volodymyr Zelensky

The Polish leader's chancellery reported this.

"President Andrzej Duda is in Kyiv today at the invitation of President Volodymyr Zelensky.

During the visit, the presidents and delegations will have bilateral negotiations regarding the situation in Ukraine, support in the military, economic and humanitarian fields, and bilateral cooperation," the message states.

In addition, Duda will participate in the Crimean Platform Summit.

The last time Andrzej Duda came to Kyiv was at the end of May. In particular, he spoke in the Verkhovna Rada and promised that Poland would do everything for Ukraine's membership in the European Union.

Duda also said Poland is ready to join the list of guarantors of Ukraine's security after the war has ended.

It was also reported that Poland is working on a concept that will allow denying russians visas, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Piotr Wawrzyk said.

The deputy minister said that Poland is in favor of expanding EU sanctions. This especially applies to suspending the agreement on visa facilitation for russian citizens. At the same time, he admitted that not all EU countries agree on this, so Poland is looking for a solution.


The Crimean Platform is an international format created in 2021 that aims to achieve the de-occupation of Crimea.

The first summit of the Crimean Platform was held last year, also on August 23, in Kyiv.

It was attended by representatives of 47 states and international organizations, which approved a joint intergovernmental decision on how to act to stop the annexation and return of Crimea.

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