The best result was shown by a student from Kharkiv, Ihor Pilaev. He scored the maximum score of 42 and won the gold medal.
The corresponding results were published on the International Mathematical Olympiad website.
Also, Pilaev was the only one among the participants from Europe to solve all the problems and score the maximum score, Bohdan Rublyov, the mathematician and the leader of the Ukrainian team, reported.
"Among a few absolute champions, there is only one participant from Europe who scored the maximum score – 42 out of 42. This is our student from Kharkiv, Ihor Pilaev! Glory to Ukraine!", Rublyov said.
Svyatoslav Denyskov from Kharkiv, who scored 29 points, won the "silver" in mathematics.
The 63rd International Mathematical Olympiad was held in the capital of Norway, Oslo. 104 countries took part in the competition.
The aggressor country russia was not admitted to IMO-2022, but russian students were allowed to participate under several conditions.
They could compete online, without state symbols, and could represent not their country, but "themselves as private individuals."
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