
We have taken another step on the way to the EU, Zelenskyy says

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said that Ukraine had taken another step toward the EU.

He commented that Ukraine had sent the first part of the membership questionnaire to the EU.

"We have taken another step towards the EU. The people of Ukraine are united to feel like part of Europe. I am sure that everything will work out for us," Zelenskyy said in a video statement.

The President of Ukraine noted that our country's progress towards the EU was taking place at a very tragic time when many Ukrainians professing European values ​​were losing their lives.

"However, the people of Ukraine are united by this goal to feel equal, part of Europe, part of the European Union," he said.

The President thanked Ursula von der Leyen, the President of the European Council Charles Michel, Josep Borrell, and Matti Maasikas for their prompt work in providing the questionnaire.

"It's an important signal. We believe that we will gain support and become a candidate for admission. After that, the next, final stage will begin. We very much believe that this procedure will take place in the coming weeks and that it will be positive for the history of our people, given the price it paid on the path to independence and democracy," the President said.

Photo by the Office of the President

The head of the EU Delegation to Ukraine, Matti Maasikas, said he also felt part of a team working to give Ukraine EU candidate status.

He noted that this process was taking place in a tough situation for the Ukrainian state, but everyone feels the importance and significance of this moment.

According to Matti Maasikas, Ukraine's answers to the questionnaire will be analyzed very quickly.

Photo by the Office of the President

Volodymyr Zelenskyy thanked him for resuming work in Kyiv by the EU Delegation.

"This is an important signal that the ambassadors are returning. We are glad to see you," the President said.

Earlier, Zelenskyy's Office said that the questionnaire for obtaining the status of a candidate country for accession to the European Union, which European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen had handed over to President Volodymyr Zelenskyy during his visit to Kyiv, was completed.

Ukraine is waiting for an accelerated procedure for joining the EU because it cannot afford 10-20 years of negotiations.

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