A chatbot with practical advice on women’s health launched in Ukraine

With the support of the World Health Organization, a chatbot has been launched in Ukraine to help women learn more about their health, learn about the symptoms and treatments for breast cancer.

Rakuten Viber, a world leader in text and voice messaging, has teamed up with the World Health Organization (WHO) as part of Breast Cancer Awareness Month. The organizers have launched a special chatbot about women's health, Women's Health Chatbot.

The chatbot, which will become a useful resource with practical advice on women's health, started with the topic of diagnosis and prevention of breast cancer. In the bot, you can learn about prevention tips, get information about symptoms and treatments, as well as read the step-by-step instructions for regular self-examination. You can subscribe to the chatbot by following the link: https://chats.viber.com/whowomen. Currently, the bot has more than 300,000 subscribers. It is available in Ukrainian, as well as in English and Russian.

In addition to the chatbot, Viber together with the WHO has created a new set of stickers with slogans that support women.

"Most women and girls around the world have limited access to health care and information about their health. That's why it was important for us to join the WHO initiative to support women's health," said Zarena Kancheva, Director of Marketing and PR at Rakuten Viber in Europe. "There are still regions in the world where women and girls don't talk about their health openly. We want to help all women access the information they need and support them in taking care of themselves."

"Information is one of the key ways to reduce non-communicable disease rates and improve health diagnoses, including a primary breast cancer diagnosis. Timely knowledge saves lives," Dr. Bente Mikkelson, Director for Non-Communicable Diseases at the World Health Organization, commented.

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