29 states have confirmed their participation in Crimean Platform Summit – Zelenskyy

29 states have confirmed their participation in the Crimean Platform summit on August 23 in Kyiv.

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy stated this at the All-Ukrainian Forum "Ukraine 30. Image of Ukraine," presenting events dedicated to the Independence Day of Ukraine, Ukrinform reports.

"The first summit of the Crimean platform will take place on August 23. It's Ukraine's initiative, supported by dozens of our international partners. We're returning Crimea to the world's agenda to return it home to Ukraine. The United States, the UK, Poland, Turkey, the Baltic States, France, Germany, many countries of the European Union, Australia, New Zealand, South Korea, and 29 countries have already confirmed their participation in the summit far. It's a large, and not the last and not the final list of all countries that will sign a joint declaration of joint agreements and common intentions on August 23," Zelenskyy said.

He stressed that "we need to forget forever that Ukraine will forget about Crimea."

"Ukraine will not raise the issue of Crimea only in one case: when it will raise the Ukrainian flag in Crimea," the president said.


The Crimean Platform is a new consultative and coordination format initiated by Ukraine to increase the effectiveness of the international response to the temporary occupation of Crimea, respond to security challenges, increase international pressure on Russia, prevent further human rights violations, and protect victims of the occupation regime, and achieve the main goal of de-occupation of Crimea and its return to Ukraine.

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