"Starting from June 25, 2021, Germany allows entry to Ukrainian travellers fully vaccinated against COVID-19 under certain conditions. Fully vaccinated people will be able to enter Germany again to visit family and friends and travel for tourism purpose," the Embassy of Germany in Ukraine informs.
From June 21, 2021, citizens who do not have a biometric passport can apply for visa necessary for the planned purpose of the trip both at the Embassy and at the Visametric visa center.
The Embassy specifies that those who were vaccinated with Comirnaty (Pfizer), Moderna, Vaxzevria (new name of AstraZeneca) and Janssen from Johnson & Johnson will be allowed to enter Germany if at least 14 days have passed since the vaccination with the last required dose of vaccine or vaccine requiring a single dose.
The list is also planned to be expanded and supplemented with other vaccines with similar protective standards as soon as the necessary trials are completed.
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