Shmyhal has just instructed the Ministry of Infrastructure, the State Aviation Service, and UkSATSE to take the necessary measures at an extraordinary meeting, Rubryka reports.
In addition, Ukrainian airlines and aircraft will be banned from flying in the airspace of the Republic of Belarus.
The State Border Guard Service has also been instructed to stop the registration of passengers traveling from Belarus or to Belarus at airport customs checkpoints.
The situation with the forced landing of a Ryanair plane in Minsk is a violation of the Convention on International Civil Aviation. The decision of our Government is aimed at ensuring the safety of flights and passengers.
To recap, a Ryanair plane flying from Athens to Vilnius landed at Minsk National Airport in Minsk; the pilots gave an alert because they received a message about a bomb on board.
A sapper service arrived at the airport but didn't find any explosive devices.
Opposition journalist Roman Protasevich was arrested.
The mother of NEXTA founder Roman Protasevich said that according to unconfirmed information, her son was found in one of Minsk's hospitals. His condition is critical.
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