Biden and Zelenskyi had their first telephone conversation

US President Joseph Biden had his first telephone conversation with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyi.

The press service of the White House reports.

During the conversation, Biden stressed the US support for Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity in the confrontation with Russia in Donbas and Crimea.

The President of the United States expressed his commitment to the fight against corruption in Ukraine, as well as to implementing a reform program based on "democratic values ​​that ensure justice, security, and prosperity of the people of Ukraine."

During the conversation, the politicians stressed these reforms were the key element of Ukraine's Euro-Atlantic aspirations.

Biden and Zelenskyi also discussed the importance of close US-Ukrainian cooperation to contain the COVID-19 pandemic and strengthen democracy in the region.

According to ZN.UA referring to its sources, both parties were preparing for communication in advance. It's reported that after this conversation "Kyiv won't be able to promise new rules once again and live by the old ones this time."

According to Politico, the lion's share of the conversation was about the escalation of the situation in Donbas and the increase of Russia's artilleries near the Ukrainian border. It's also reported that Biden reaffirmed his commitment to Ukraine and said that he held a strong belief in the country.

As previously reported in the media, the conversation took place amid recent maneuvers and training of Russian troops near the borders of Ukraine, which alarmed the US presidential administration.

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