She’s Got It

Scientific scandal. Sociologist with misogynistic statements defended his doctorate

"Genocidal matriarchy," "matriarchal racism," and scotomization, shameful female accolade, and other "discoveries" of modern Ukrainian sociology. The notorious "waffling" goes to a new level of anti-science and misogyny.

Four years ago, a certain Yurii Teslia published the book "Theory of non-force light," where he denied the existence of gravity and inertia. The author claimed that Newton and Einstein were outdated, and he offered us new physics. The only problem is that Teslia was the dean of the Information Technologies Faculty of the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, the country's leading university. Around the same time, a scandal erupted around the dissertation of Kateryna Kyrylenko, the wife of Deputy Prime Minister Viacheslav Kyrylenko. The work was not only one-third plagiarized but also filled with pseudoscientific facts, which had been covered with satirical comments on the Internet and caused bewilderment or Homeric laughter for a long time.

Юрий ТесляЮрий Тесля

Yurii Teslia

Last week, one more name entered the list of nominees for the title of pseudoscientist of the year. On November 8, Ivan Sviatnenko defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic "Sociosystemological Reflection of the Sociology of Gender Culture in Ukraine" at the special counsel of a little-known Classical Private University in Zaporizhia. The scientifically untenable author revealed the truth to the cruel matriarchal world through the act of obtaining a scientific degree.

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