In Handy

New Year without TV: what else to do on holiday night?

We share ideas for a fun celebration with family, friends, loved ones, and alone.

What is the problem?

December is on the calendar, which means that it's time to decide on New Year's leisure. Sitting at home again, going to the neighbors, meeting friends, or going to relatives to eat aspic? A classic New Year's Eve with a feast, a Christmas tree, and a TV (or computer screen) is, of course, wonderful and very cozy. But when it happens again and again, it gets a little boring.

If you don't have any special plans for the New Year, but you still decide to change something, we offer several options for meeting the New Year "in a new way." Take the organization of festive events into your own hands, prepare surprises for your loved ones or involve them. Let this year be remembered not only by the flicker of the screen and the amount that is eaten but also by the feeling of fun in the evening and night.

The ideas collected by Rubryka on how to have fun celebrating the New Year with family, friends, loved ones, or alone will help to facilitate the task.

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