In Handy

Vegan sushi: so was it possible?

Sushi is a traditional dish of Japanese cuisine made from rice, with rice vinegar and salt, and a variety of fillings or layers, including mostly seafood, but also meat, vegetables, seaweed, mushrooms, or eggs. Sushi can be raw, cooked, or marinated.

In Ukraine, as in most Western countries, the word "sushi" is often recognized only as a lump of rice covered with a piece of raw fish, but in Japan, it refers to a wide range of dishes. There are different sushi types, which differ in the method of preparation and ingredients. In particular, there are vegetarian and vegan sushi. In Ukraine, we find them (one or two types) in the menu of regular sushi bars, while in Europe (in neighboring Poland, for example) they have whole separate restaurants specializing in vegan sushi.

To find out a little about what we call "sushi", and even more so, how to make them vegan (only from plant ingredients), we should first explain what dish varieties there are.

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