Checklist even if you happen to be toxic.
A person has the right to breathe clean air, drink unpolluted water, eat healthy food, and live in a safe place. Modern humanity is concerned about the environment and healthy living; we're interested in the quality of the products we consume and play sports to keep the body in good shape. We care about the environment and sort waste to save the earth from pollution. Besides, any of us wants to have (without objection, everyone has the right to have it) a healthy relationship that wouldn't poison our lives.
According to the Oxford Dictionary, the word "toxic" became a word in 2018. According to the dictionary database, along with the direct meaning of the word, "toxic chemical, gas, substance or atmosphere," this word is often used in the phrase "toxic relationship."
In recent years, the phrase "toxic person" has come into everyday use. In the past, a person accused of toxicity today would rather be called a manipulator or said to have a tough character, intrusive behavior, selfish tendencies, and so on. In the 90s such people were called energy vampires, in the 2000s, psychological vampires, but in any case, both then and now it's clear: it's a person who uses covert violent methods of influencing other people and ignores the interests of surrounding individuals.
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