Only three components used and not a drop of cement. We worked out how it works
You always want your home to be a little cooler in the hot summer and want to keep it warm inside in winter and save on utilities if possible. One of the most effective and common ways is the insulation of your home or apartment.
Although the insulation idea is quite environmentally friendly, the materials used for it often cause substantial damage to nature. They are not recyclable, a lot of CO2 enters the atmosphere during their manufacturing, and sometimes they can negatively affect human health.
But a Ukrainian, Serhii Kovalenkov, invented an alternative to synthetic insulation. His company came up with a material based on hemp stalks, which is not only completely safe for the environment but also has excellent thermal characteristics.
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“Рубрика” розповідає, на що звернути увагу, коли ви обираєте світловідбивні елементи, а також чому взимку… Читати більше
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Rubryka spoke with experts from Let's Do It Ukraine and Zero Waste Alliance Ukraine to… Читати більше
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