Illegal fundraising, personal insults, and harassment are realities in many "school" chat rooms. We explain how to deal with them.
The school year began reviving parent chats. It would seem that in today's world, especially in a period of various coronavirus restrictions, messengers are a universal solution and real salvation for all participants in the educational process. It's convenient to make announcements about homework and important events, discuss school problems, unite and coordinate children and parents. However, debates in groups, uniting moms and dads, are often very far from comfortable communication. Ruthless battles are fought over trifles, and misunderstandings between parents in school chat rooms increasingly escalate into fights outside of messengers.
Often the online group members become personal, the messages concerning parents, children, and teachers are degrading in nature and honor, harm the authority of the participants in the educational process. Some topics are rarely bloodless; these are the moments dedicated to raising funds for the "needs of the school," for gifts to students or teachers/educators. The victims of parent chats aren't only adults, like parents or teachers, but also children.
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