What we know about a new strain from the UK
Twice a week WHO compiles a report on the coronavirus situation around the world. The latest report was published on December 15, which says that the situation in Europe is gradually returning to normal, and in some countries, vaccinations against the virus have already started since the beginning of this month. But the latest events in the UK, and now in Ukraine, make us doubt positive forecasts.
London and the southeast of England have re-introduced a strict lockdown. The reason is the cases of infection with a new coronavirus strain, named VUI-202012/01. So far, it's poorly studied, but British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said that the new strain could be 70% more infectious, and because of that the reproductive index, showing whether the number of infections is increasing or decreasing, can increase by 0.4. Such news caused widespread panic and forced the British to leave the city again.
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