Today, business is switching to Ukrainian. Who’s next and when? Everything you need to know

The language law is being implemented, so we analyzed which rules begin to operate from January 16, and which ones are still on hold. And how to act when your right to receive information or services in the state language is violated.

Today, January 16, according to Article 30 of the "language" law or the law "On ensuring the functioning of the Ukrainian language," service providers, regardless of ownership, must serve consumers and provide information about goods and services in the state language. Information on services, products, and goods should also be provided in the state language. In the supermarket and online store, in the cafe, in the grocery store, in the bank, and at the gas station, in the pharmacy or library, the service must be provided in Ukrainian. And not only that. There are exceptions to the rule:

  • The service can be provided in another language only at the client's personal request or if the info is duplicated in another language.
  • It's allowed to use words, abbreviations, and designations in English or letters of the Latin or Greek alphabets in information about products (goods), pieces, or services provided in the state language (Article 30 of the Law on Language).
  • If the information on goods and services is also provided in other languages, the amount of such information in the state language may not be less than the mandatory amount of information under the requirements established by Law № 1023.

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