She’s Got It

Mother’s Day: 10 ways to congratulate your mom. Even if you’re not around

Given the events of this quarantine year, many of us will celebrate this holiday far from the dearest women: mothers and grandmothers. But nothing can hurt you to get your feelings across to them, even at a distance. It's a matter of creativity in the circumstances that you are in.

International Mother's Day has been officially celebrated in many countries for over a hundred years, but in fact, the celebration of mothers existed as long as there were mothers. With the word "mother," we begin to learn about this world, get up and grow up, rejoice and mourn, be proud of our achievements and lick our wounds. The mother is the one we love the most in the world, and the one we can sometimes accidentally offend without realizing it… The mother is the one who's ready to sacrifice for the sake of a child. Only mothers can love and forgive so much, be with us in grief and joy, give up the most important things and run to the ends of the earth if we need help. Only a mother can forget about misunderstandings and open her arms to her children at any time, healing and restoring only by the power of her love.

Mother's Day is an annual reminder that you need to distract yourself from everyday business and surround your mother with the love she deserves. This day is also dedicated to all generations of mothers: grandmothers, great-grandmothers, stepmothers, as well as foster mothers and foster parents, everyone who gives their children love, care, kindness, tenderness, and affection.

In fact, wherever our mothers are, hundreds or thousands of miles away, most of them just want to communicate with their children and spend time with their families in any way they can. So the best Mother's Day gift you can give your mom is your time and personal attention, if not in person, then through a phone call or video chat.

So how to congratulate your mom on her holiday?

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