A ramp appearing in a museum or theater doesn't indicate full accessibility. Cultural managers should understand this. Inclusion isn't just about disability. Inclusive space thinks about all visitors of any age, gender, level of mobility.
Mostly, inclusion in the arts hinges on professionals and public sector activists. The key issue is the lack of specialists and teachers. We've got social workers who know how to work with children with disabilities. There are artists understanding the field nevertheless not knowing how to work with these children. In addition, there's no acceptable educational base for future artists with disabilities. Extracurricular activities of creative groups and art education don't take steps towards working with such children. If a person with a disability gets into an art project, they'll most likely play the role of a person with a disability. The field doesn't rethink perceptions and roles for people with disabilities. So far, disability, not a person, is a major factor, although it should be the opposite.
It's the opinion of Anastasia Voitiuk, a musician, cultural manager, head of the organization "Atcunbeaten Path," which holds a festival of inclusive theater "The Way." According to her, a vicious circle has turned up in the art space and art education, now difficult to break because of the lack of professional staff. To her mind, the driving force might be people with disabilities themselves. After all, many projects were created with their participation. And today they are key players in inclusive art.
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