What’s Going On

Covid passport: what is it and when will Ukrainians get it?

Entering the country using a QR code and a ban on entering public places for those who refused the Covid-19 vaccine. Rubryka analyzed what rules will be introduced soon

The world is tired of covid restrictions; it can't last forever, so gradually, everyone began to think about easing measures, especially now, when the vaccination of citizens is actively underway in some countries. Governments suggest that people who've already had the virus or were vaccinated could receive a special document that would allow them to travel, attend social events and institutions.

In particular, they started talking about it in the UK. According to the BBC, the authorities are currently discussing how to allow people to show their "Covid status." The would-be document will contain information about whether the person has been vaccinated, has recently had a Covid test, or has natural immunity after being ill. The UK government said it was working with colleagues from Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland to develop strategies and approaches and test whether the measure would work. So far, introducing "passes" isn't considered until after the third stage of vaccination, i.e. May 17. But by the end of July, such a prospect looks quite real, but citizens won't be asked for passports, but only for certificates of the delivered vaccination. According to Prime Minister Boris Johnson, such a document may be needed for those wishing to visit pubs, parks, and other public places after all British adults are offered the first dose of the Covid-19 vaccine.

On March 17, the European Commission announced plans to create a "Green Digital Certificate" across the European Union. Like a covid passport in England, those citizens who've either already been vaccinated, or have a negative test, or have recently gone through Covid-19 will have it. The "green digital certificate" will look like a QR code on digital and (or) paper carrier, it will be free and uniform for the entire EU, as well as, possibly, for other countries, in particular, Norway, Iceland, and Switzerland; they're not members of the EU, but are part of the Schengen area. Such a document will allow free movement across the borders of countries, and quarantine standards for people with a green certificate will be eased. The Commission says that certificates of vaccination will be issued to everyone who received the Covid-19 vaccine, while the origin of the vaccine doesn't matter.

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